Celebrating Mother’s Day with Miranda Kerr

Mother’s Day is a wonderful time to catch up with those we love and show them how much we mean to them, but it’s also a chance to reflect on the smaller, more important things in life.

Join us as we catch up with mom-of-three, Miranda Kerr, to see how she plans to spend Mother’s Day.

How will you be celebrating Mother’s Day this year?

This year I will be celebrating Mother’s Day with my wonderful husband, my three boys and my Mum and Dad will be with us which will make it even more special.

Miranda Kerr Everyday Friendship

We all know how busy life gets with little ones, how do you take a moment for yourself?

It’s definitely busy but I wouldn’t have it any other way… fun, full and a very fulfilling life with my boys. No two days are the same and it’s definitely a juggle, but I love it… I guess for me, the most important thing is making sure that I plan and schedule appropriately. As a minimum during work days I try my best to be present and phone-free with each of my three children at the beginning and end of our day and the weekends. We have our set morning and evening routines, which allows us special time together during the busy week. My weekends are filled with quality family time which I really look forward to. Sometimes, things don’t go as planned and you can at times have that Mom guilt that you could or should be doing more.  But, I feel there is another side to that—it’s important for our children to see us having a strong work ethic and teach them the value of hard work and earning their own living.  My parents were very young when they had me and they both worked very hard at running their own businesses so a strong worth ethic was instilled in me at a young age. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t experience that growing up.

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Plan a Mother's Day to Remember

How do you pick special gifts - do you like to be thoughtful or functional?

I always like to be thoughtful with my gifts and this is something I try to teach my boys. My favorite gifts are the little art creations they make for me, I keep them all and have them framed.

Tell us your favorite thing about being a mother?

Becoming a mother to my three beautiful, healthy boys has been the most incredible and rewarding experience of my life.  The memories of growing them in my belly and feeling the butterflies of their first kicks… to birthing them and experiencing the different phases of childhood with them fills me with so much joy. Being a mother has taught me I’m capable of more than I knew possible. More love, more patience, more resilience. They each have their own little personalities and unique spirits. I love nurturing their individuality and watching them grow.

What mother figures have influenced your life?

I learnt a lot from both my mother and grandmother. My mother was a working mother and taught me so much about the importance of having a strong work ethic.  My grandmother who was a stay at home Mom taught me so much about nurturing, practicing gratitude and love.  I try my best to combine these important values.

If you could give someone your best “mom tip”, while drinking a cup of tea, what would it be?

Self-care is really important. In order for you to give your best to others, you need to feel your best. To switch off and check in with yourself goes a long way, especially when you’re a mom. It makes a big difference and I am able to give so much more to my family, my work and my friends.
Miranda Kerr Everyday Friendship tea setting